from http://lmnet.wikispaces.com/Dewey+Decimal+System
Other titles for the 700 to 900 Dewey Decimal Classes are
700 Art and Play
800 Literature
900 Geography and History
700 Art and Play
800 Literature
900 Geography and History
736 Origami
743.6 How to Draw
745.5 Crafts
793.73 Look & Find Books
796.323 Basketball
796.332 Football
796.357 Baseball
811 Poetry
818 Jokes & Riddles
910 Geography
92 & 920 Biographies
940.53 World War II
970 Native Americans
973 U.S. History
In our library at Southern Elementary School, biographies of a single person are given the number 92 and put in alphabetical order according to the last name of the person the biography is about. The number 920 is given to biographies of more than one person and they are on the shelves in order of the last name of the author of the biography.
Still more about Call Numbers
Last time I showed you how call numbers can go from general to specific to help you find information. Now I'll also show you how they can go from specific to general. If you're looking for a book on ice hockey with the number of 796.962, but when you get to the shelf, it isn't there, you're not out of luck yet. Drop back to 796.96, Ice Games, and look for information about ice hockey. If that doesn't help you, drop back to 796.9, Ice and Snow Sports, for information on ice hockey. You could drop back even further, but the encyclopedias in the Reference section would also be helpful.
Country Research
Let's say you're doing a report on Spain and the search computer gives you the number of 914.6. That's the number for the geography of Spain. If the books in that section don't help you with your report, there's still another place to look. It's a little tricky, but you drop the 1 from the number and move the decimal over one place to the right.
914.6 becomes 946.
This new number, 946, is the history of Spain and should give you more information for your report.
For your assignment, choose a book that's a biography, then post a comment, first listing its call number, title and author. Then tell whether its a biography of one person or more than one, using the call number to justify your decision. Choose a book no one else has used for this assignment.
Example comment:
92 Who Was Abraham Lincoln? by Janet Pascal
This biography is about one person because the Dewey number is 92 and the letters, LIN, are the first three letters of Abraham Lincoln's last name.
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